Coconut For Weight Loss With 4 Weeks Diet Plan

Exercise is not necessary with this plan, although if you add in exercise you will dramatically speed up your weight loss results. The program includes some basic exercises that you can do in only 15 minutes per day.If you get through the first four weeks of the program and want to keep doing, you can repeat the four week diet for as long as you like. Also, you can weight yourself every day and if the scale has gone up by three pounds or more, you can start phase one immediately and get back to your targeted weight within only a couple of days.
According to the book, you will be working with your own metabolism to burn off fat quickly and keep it off.This program is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and there are plenty of meat free options in the diet guide.The program differentiates between weight loss and fat loss. Usually the weight you lose on a diet is water weight and muscle, but you still retain your body fat. On this diet, you will learn how to build muscle so that your body burns more fat and becomes more defined.
You don’t have to shop at health food stores and buy really expensive specialty foods – you will be able to buy regular groceries at the store.You will have a clear picture of what NOT to eat, so that you can know exactly what foods to avoid that will be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.


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